Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Friendships can cause heartbreaks too


"Letting go of a friendship doesn't mean it wasn't beautiful" -Sam Brown

So once again, that moment when another friendship ends comes to your life, and you ask yourself why. Maybe I was mean with my friend during an argument? Or maybe he or she just found a better friend? These days, one of the most common advices one can hear is "don't get attached to people", and it's a good advice, I mean, it is very practical and it can help you avoid tons of stress. However... is it easy to follow that advice? 

Most of us are looking for love and acceptance, even if we don't admit it. The unconditional love of a friend is something so beautiful that it only adds joy to your life, but what happens when you literally feel that that friendship is coming to an end? In this moment of my life, I could say that many people who once were very good friends of mine, are now complete strangers. Is it bad? No, that's life. Does it feel shitty when you think about it? Yes, it does. We are used to see people who still have the same best friend since they were in school, or even before, if you're one of those people, let me tell you you're lucky. 

I remember that approximately six years ago, I had a very strong argument with my best friend from that time and our friendship just ended so abruptly... Now that I look back, I think I was too harsh with her, now we talk from time to time, but you know... some things will never be the same. Since that moment, I decided that I would never have a best friend again, just friends and that's it. 

However, I've had a friend since 2013 who has been such a special person to me. Our friendship has gone through all stages: having the same tastes in music, in food, and even in men; which led to a lot of stupid decisions that almost ended our friendship, or I would say; that ended our friendship for some time. We went from being at each other's side in class, in the library and everywhere to almost hating each other after a guy who is such a piece of shit. After hating each other, life just took a 180 degree turn and we ended up talking again and seeing each other a couple of times. We apologized to each other and life continued, but we have changed so much. I wish we could still hang out with each other, but what can you do if that friend prefers other people over you and publicly supports them but there's nothing for you? What do you do if that friend only answers your messages with a frivolous "hahaha" and doesn't talk to you even though you know she's on her phone everyday all day? And what do you do if you know you're the only one trying to reach out? When those feelings are overwhelming, you already know that something's broken between you two... and it's hard to face it, but when you do it, everything becomes clearer and you know what you have to do next... 

I don't want to be clingy, every person has their personal space... but I've always thought you deserve the same amount of love you give. If it doesn't come back after you try and try, it's time to let go... Everything goes back to the advice I wrote at the beginning... it's practical, but is it easy to follow? These days, I just came to the conclusion that friendships can cause heartbreaks too.

People come and go, but only a few ones will stay.


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